Friday, 25 May 2012

Ideas for possible character look. It mostly will depend on finding the fabric colour which to which colour I used for the trousers.

Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Research for card design

When trying to design my card for networking I may try some of these. If I have to the money to be able to design business card like these. Some are just amazing and engaging.

Show reel for work

This is the show reel I be working with up to the end of specialist study 2, which by then I'll hopefully have another animation to add in. I do want to try and push for the opportunity of my show reel being shown at the flip animation festival at the light house for this year 2012. Get it out there and see what feed back I get from some of the professionals in the industry of animation. My even get a job or two out of it, yoy never know The only thing that I need to do is put it in after effect and try to resize the video so they are all the same format.

Friday, 27 January 2012

Making me look more professional on the net.

Looking to rebrand myself on the internet by linking all my accounts together and starting to show some of my better work.  This is also to try and use the one name making it easier to find me and my work.
         Business card to help promote my name so helping people to find and view my work.  This is my new blog with the my name that is also my new email address.  All of this is so that I hopefully will have a stronger net presence to go forward after Uni.
This new blog still needs some work done on it. I downloaded the html template to have a go at creating my own background for the blog but I think that may have to wait for when I have more time to learn about it. I seen a tutorial on how to save images in photoshop so that they can be used as XmL in a template. Like I say this is something that I will need to have a look at in the future to try and make my blog individual and stand out from the rest.

Thursday, 19 January 2012

Animation festival

Need to be seen.  Will look to try and attend these and other animation or film and animation festivals up and down the country.  Will look to create a business card and show reels that I can hand out get information on individual and company's.  These are just some of the animation festival that I will try and attend, even maybe get some work into them for people to see.  That way people may start talking about or even want to talk to me.

These are just two group in Birmingham the west midlands form group set up talk for networking.  Those will must be seen at trying to talk to people within the industry.  You never know when a chance meeting could lead to a job.  The other is music festival but with link to the Birmingham Art and illustration communality that I try to help out with some illustration last year.

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Plan for looking for work in animation industry

Information to help me find a job or apprenticeships

Skillset is a government industry body set up to help skill and training for the UK creative industry.  They run an apprenticeship for people trying to break into the creative industry.

The copy rights only go up to 2011 but will keep having a look to see if this continues for 2012.
I also found this on skillset for the Olympics.  Which had an interesting apprenticeship from the BBC all applicant for the apprenticeship ended  on the 16 may 2011.  That's no good to me.

Will Continue to look in on both pages to see If they Are still providing apprenticeship for people trying to break into the creative industry.  This an on going process that I will have to keep looking at.  It looks like job will be hard to come by over the next couple of years.  If I could find an apprenticeship, get paid while learning and possible get some contacts at the same time.  That would be great.  That's of cause if I can find an apprenticeship in animation of cause.

Found this to help get some work experience form the BBC.  This page gives you career tip but no animation as I can see.  They probably outsource any animation that they need.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Skill test myself

What do I know? And what do I need to learn?

2D animation, classic, flash and a little toon boom.  know how to create asset in illustrator and photoshop and import them to flash and toon boom.  Both as jpeg or even better as GNP files which only imports the image without a background.  Very helpfully if you need the image without a white bacground.

Don't know any action script but would need to create games or websites.

Learn how to create 3D image in swift or any other program like photoshop or illustrator for flash.

Create more 3D images in illustrator and photoshop to use in flash.

Developing model making skills in stop motion animation.  Good modeller but need to learn more about the development process.  Been working towards creating silicone models but need to develop on how to create puppets in different techniques.

Need to improve on both painting models and different way on how to make my puppets appeal more alive.  Develop painting on to silicone and latex and all the techniques and process.